Fr Jordi Rivero: Elections in USA 2020 – A Decisive Moment (Elecciones en USA – un momento decisivo)

Christians should cast their ballot to elect a President mindful that we must render account to Christ our King. Woe if we turn a blind eye to the abortion genocide and the growing moral anarchy. Today they kill the unborn and violent mobs decapitate statues of Jesus, Mary, and the saints. Soon they will come after us.

No politician or party represents the totality of our values and beliefs. That does not mean that we remain ambivalent or silent. It means that we do not sell our soul to any ideology and must remain free to speak, no matter where the attacks come from. This election is not just about divergent policies. It is a battle to uphold fundamental principles and the rights of those who take their faith seriously. Archbishop Charles Chaput put it this way: Today’s Democratic Party is not opposed to Catholics, “unless you’re the kind of Catholic who seeks to discipline his life around Catholic beliefs regarding marriage and family, religious freedom, sex, and abortion.”

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